Spikey balls: friend or foe?

The spikey ball is definitely your friend. More on that later… first, what is a spikey ball? A spikey ball is a firm ball with a spikey surface. It is used a self-massage tool to help alleviate any sore spots in your body. Much like any other self-massage product, the spikey ball helps loosen tight muscles and trigger points. This in turn helps to improve your range of motion, and your circulation.

While referred to as a tool of torture by some, for such a small tool it boasts some huge benefits. As I already mentioned, self-massage improves your range of motion aka your flexibility and mobility. This also includes your posture and balance. When your range of motion is improved, your exercise form improves, reducing your risk of injury.

It is a great tool for a range of people to use. I recommend spikey balls to pretty much everyone, whether you are a gym junkie, trying to rehabilitate an injury or just have a few tight muscles to take care of. Due to its small size, the spikey ball can get to those harder to reach areas, you know the ones that are just a bit too hard to maneuver your foam roller across. Being so lightweight, it’s easy to store or carry around with you. Because of its versatility, it is the perfect tool for the purpose of rehabilitation, improving athletic performance and of course, general health and fitness.

How to use a spikey ball?

So how do you use your spikey ball? I normally recommend using your spikey ball against a wall, using your body weight to control the pressure. You can roll over tight areas or hold the spikey ball in one place to release trigger points. If you’re game and want more pressure over tight spots, you can lie over the area needing release and let the spikey ball sink in.

This article is for information purposes only. Please consult your Osteopath or primary healthcare professional for further information.

Written by Elise Fuller

Elise Fuller

Dr Elise Fuller graduated from RMIT University with a Bachelor of Applied Science (Complimentary Medicine) and a Masters of Osteopathy. She is currently practicing in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne and in her spare time writes articles for her blog, inspired by her experience treating patients and from life in general!